Too Little Salt

Too Little Salt and Cause Adrenal Exhaustion and Heart Dysfunction 


For health’s sake, the problem is refined table salt and not mineral rich natural salt.  Refined salt is just sodium chloride.  Good unrefined sea salt or Celtic Salt contain over 80 trace minerals that is naturally supposed to be in salt.  In regular table salt, sugar has been added and the vitally important minerals have been refined out.

This refined, depleted salt and too much of it is the main reason salt has such a bad reputation. This bad salt is what is in all refined foods.  Animals, including humans need salt.  Most of the research and published material in the US has been about this refined table salt. In many parts of the world, it is well accepted that salt itself is not the problem, if eaten in its unrefined state.  If you look at animals in the wild, they will travel many miles to find a salt lick to stay healthy.

To make refined salt worse, this depleted salt often contains harmful anti-caking agents, some of which have been linked to heavy metal toxicity and kidney problems. A common preservative in these refined salts, sodium acetate, may cause elevated blood pressure and kidney disturbances.

The truth is that unrefined sea salt is actually extremely good for you.  It helps to balance your blood sugar, helps keep your bones strong, and regulates your metabolism, boost the immune system and more. Natural, unrefined sea salt provides a number of nutrients and minerals, in a way that the body recognizes and knows how to use. Over 80 trace minerals found in the best naturally filtered salt water.  This natural state often creates unrefined sea salt to have a grayish color. It has a slight moistness that helps keep the salt and minerals in a form that the body can utilize.

The naturally occurring minerals in unrefined sea salt are vitally important to maintaining normal blood pressure. In fact, it’s been found to be dangerous to your health to eat too little salt, and this frequently happens when somebody has been told by their doctor to restrict sodium.  This causes people to erroneously start avoiding all salt, instead of eating true natural healthy salt that contains all of the trace minerals.  Other good sources of sodium are in certain vegetables that have not been over heated or over cooked.  Even then it is hard to get the adequate amount needed.

You can find unrefined salt right in the store but check the label, it must say “unrefined”.  Some sea salts are still refined.  Dr David Brownstein, the author of the book Iodine, states his favorite salt is Celtic Salt and has written a book called Salt Your Way to Health.  Aztec Sea Salt is another salt that has a good reputation for purity and contents.  It comes out of Sayulita Mexico.  It can be hard to find due to only harvesting it a short time during the year.

I prefer to add salt after the cooking as to not alter it by potentially overheating.  Cooks that have been using refined salt tend to over salt because their taste buds get desensitized.  So always taste before you salt and carry the good salt with in when you travel.

Adrenal, Heart and other glandular and system nutrition are important when weakness or damage is identified through testing.  We will discuss with you at Homecoming 2015 new BRIMHALL formulations that are WHOLE FOODS, PREDIGESTED, ALL NATURAL and UP TO 300 TIMES MORE DIGESTIBLE AND USABLE.

See You January 23-25 in Tempe, AZ for Homecoming 2015.

John W Brimhall, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK
