UK Vaccination Rules

UK Vacination Rules


Q Are any vaccines compulsory in the UK?

No, however most parents who question them are often met with disapproval from their GPs and health visitors. Concerned parents should take as long as THEY need to make an informed decision. Most vaccines can be given at much greater ages, if this is the parent’s wish, so there is no need to decide by the times indicated on the immunization program.

Q Are GPs paid to administer vaccines.

The Government implemented a target scheme some years ago, whereby GPs have to achieve a 90% up-take to qualify for a financial bonus. A 70% up-take results in a reduced bonus, and below that they get nothing. This scheme does nothing to support parental choice and can lead to GPs discriminating against parents who decline vaccination for their children. On rare occasions, GPs may strike these families off their register, so as to avoid losing their bonuses.

Q Are there any reliable figures to compare complications of a disease with complications from a vaccine?

No. Most vaccine reactions go unreported and are usually dismissed as a coincidence. All reactions, whether proven or only suspected, should be reported by your GP using the Yellow Card system. Unfortunately due to the fact that this system is voluntary and that most GPs are reluctant to admit to possible reactions there is gross underreporting.

Q If my baby has already had the first dose of the baby vaccines, must they complete the course?

No, you can opt out at any stage if you wish.

Q Haven’t vaccinations had a major impact on the decline of infectious diseases?

It is well-documented that steep falls in these diseases, e.g. diphtheria, measles and whooping cough, occurred BEFORE the introduction of vaccination. Indeed, death rates had fallen by as much as 95% in the pre-vaccine era. This was mainly due to better and less-crowded living conditions, improved nutrition and clean water. (See graphs below).

From: The Role of Medicine by Thomas McKeown, 1979

Q Is a vaccination the same as having a small dose of a disease?

No. When naturally developing, with measles for example, the virus enters through the mouth or nose and a natural immune response is triggered. When a vaccine is injected into the body, part of the immune response is by-passed leading to over-stimulation of another area of the immune system. This may skew the system resulting in a wide-range of conditions, including allergies, asthma and auto-immune diseases.

Q Vaccines produce specific antibodies against a particular disease., therefore creating immunity, don’t they?

It has been documented that some individuals with high levels of specific antibodies have still gone on to contract that specific disease. The World Health Organisation admit that there is no precise relationship between antibody level and immunity. In other words, there is no full understanding in the role antibodies play. When a vaccine is said ‘to take’ on 90% of recipients, that means that those 90% will produce a certain level of antibodies. This should not be equated with immunity, and also antibody level may fluctuate too.
Q What are vaccines made of?
Toxic substances, such as formaldehyde, mercury products and aluminium hydroxide have been used for numerous years in many of the vaccines. The Dept. of Health have recently asked vaccine manufacturers to discontinue the use of mercury derivatives, as a ‘precautionary’ measure. Animal and bird products are used too, which opens the door to the possibility of viruses from other species crossing into the human system and creating new disease in humans. This is not a theoretical risk and over the years there have been particular scares regarding contaminated vaccines.

Q Are vaccines available in single doses, and would this be a safer option?

Vaccines are made separately initially, and where medically indicated would be available. Unfortunately most GPs are reluctant to place special orders, particularly as it is not cost effective for the surgery, so they do not encourage this option. As regards to safety, ALL vaccines have the potential to cause harm. From a ‘common sense’ point of view single vaccines would presumably place less of a burden on the immune system than multiple ones, however ALL vaccines initiate an unnatural immune response whether single or multiple.

Q What are the alternatives?

Firstly, by asking this question one is assuming that vaccines do offer some protection. Some critics believe that vaccines do not protect at any stage, whilst others feel that infections may be suppressed by the jabs, leading to more chronic illness later in life. Certainly many vaccinated individuals go on to develop the diseases they were supposed to be protected against but it is not often publicised. There are homœopathic alternatives, although many homœopaths prefer to treat constitutionally. The idea of giving ‘protective’ remedies conflicts with their philosophy of treating symptoms. There are also homœopathic antidotes to the present vaccines, and your child may benefit from these if they have had some vaccine damage. Interested parents should discuss this option with a qualified and experienced practitioner. The most obvious alternative is quite simply HEALTH. Creating and maintaining a reasonably sound, stable and healthy lifestyle is the best way to avoid illness and complications. Diseases do not strike randomly there would have to be underlying factors and weaknesses.
