Born January 4th, 1931 Died February 8th, 2010
Dr. Frank was a native of Los Angeles
1957 graduated from Hollywood Chiropractic College. He was a member of the American Chiropractic Association and the California Chiropractic Association. He was past master of Sigma Chi Omega, a professional fraternity.
After graduation from Chiropractic College, he spent 10 years practicing as a chiropractic nutritional specialist in Glendale and Pasadena, California. He has completed post-graduate study in therapeutic nutrition, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, adaptive orthopedics, Diversified Techniques, x‑ray interpretation, Riddler Therapy, Van Rump Technique, Activator Methods, practice building and management, acupuncture with C. E. Wong from Singapore, and SOT. He was also one of the original members of Diplomats of Applied Kinesiology with George Goodhart.
In 1969 Dr. Frank joined the Thie Chiropractic Office in Pasadena, California. During his four years there, he collaborated with John F. Thie on the Touch for Health book, developing a self‑help instruction course for lay people in muscle testing and balancing and acupuncture meridian tracing techniques.
In September 1974, Dr. Frank was the speaker at the National Osteopathic Convention of Japan held in Tokyo and Yamaguchi. At that time, Dr. Frank arranged for the translation and publication of the Touch for Health book in Japanese. The book was then used as the textbook for the convention and has been used for other workshop sessions held since then.
Dr. Frank teaches TBM seminars around the world as well as giving lectures on TBM philosophy to many groups. He also teaches a seminar called the Art of Chiropractic. This seminar presents old- time chiropractic adjustments that are not being taught anymore.
Dr. Frank is a past member of the Parker Foundation Brown Bagger’s Association for Los Angeles, and belongs to the Parker Grand Tour Organization (GTO). He was a Team Teacher at the Parker Chiropractic Research Foundation Seminars for many years.
Dr. Frank was named Chiropractor of the Year by the prestigious Parker Research Foundation in 1986. This award was given to him for his research and development of an important contribution to the understanding of functional physiology. He has also received the Humanitarian Award of the Chapel of Four Chaplains.
An active member of the community, Dr. Frank served as a member of the Board of Directors and as president and treasurer of the Sunland-Tujunga Chamber of Commerce. He is also a member of the Century Club of the Verdugo Hills YMCA and the past Legislative Chairman for Senior Citizens of the Los Angeles County Chiropractic Society. He has been very active in the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), where he served on the National AAU Sports Medicine Committee for Karate, as the Southern Pacific Sports Medicine Committee Chairman, and on the Olympic Committee for Karate. He holds a black belt in karate in the Leopard School in Los Angeles, and an honorary black belt in the Tiger School of San Francisco.
He is past president of the Sunland‑Tujunga Rotary Club and is past district committeeman for the Youth Exchange with District 526 of Rotary International. In June of 1976, Dr. Frank was awarded a Charter Diplomat in the International College of Applied Kinesiology and they have published many of his research papers.
Dr. Frank is a past press chairman of the CATHY program (Community Assistance to Homeless Youngsters), which was established to find homes for foster children. He and his wife, Diane, married since 1960, have 4 children, 11 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. They have had 31 foster children as well as hosting several foreign exchange students. They live in St. George, Utah, and Brugge, Belgium.
He also teaches a seminar called the “Art of Chiropractic.” This seminar presents old- time chiropractic adjustments that are not being taught anymore.
Dr. Frank was named Chiropractor of the Year by the prestigious Parker Research Foundation in 1986. This award was given to him for his research and development of an important contribution to the understanding of functional physiology.
He has also received the coveted Humanitarian Award of the Chapel of Four Chaplains.
An active member of the community, Dr. Frank served as a member of the Board of Directors and as president and treasurer of the Sunland-Tujunga Chamber of Commerce.
He is also a member of the Century Club of the Verdugo Hills YMCA and the past Legislative Chairman for Senior Citizens of the Los Angeles County Chiropractic Society.
He has been very active in the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), where he served on the National AAU Sports Medicine Committee for Karate, and as the Southern Pacific Sports Medicine Committee Chairman, and on the Olympic Committee for Karate.
He holds a black belt in karate in the Leopard School in Los Angeles, and an honorary black belt in the Tiger School of San Francisco.
He is past president of the Sunland-Tujunga Rotary Club and is past district committeeman for the Youth Exchange with District 526 of Rotary International.
In June of 1976, Dr. Frank was awarded a Charter Diplomate in the International College of Applied Kinesiology and they have published several of his research papers.
Dr. Frank is a past press chairman of the CATHY program (Community Assistance to Homeless Youngsters), which was established to find homes for foster children. He and his wife, Diane, married since 1960, have 4 children and have had 31 foster children as well as hosting several foreign exchange students. They live in St. George, Utah and Brugge, Belgium.
I would like to tell you some things you might not know about my husband. Others will tell you about his professional achievements. I want to tell you about his personal achievements.
On Feb 12th we will have been married 46 years and we have had about 43 good ones! That’s a pretty good ratio. This man still totally amazes me. His mind, especially in the field of health, knows no bounds. He is creative, dynamic, and truly believes in the power of the body to heal itself. He doesn’t ever give up. Some people think he is egotistical, opinionated and abrasive. Those who know him understand that he is opinionated, but his ego is with TBM and the healing energy of innate. They understand that he is strong about his passion, but truly humble about himself. He questions all the time, why me? I’m not special. Why did this knowledge come to me? In his professional life he is dynamic and an extrovert. In his private life, he is quiet and more of an introvert, although he is still opinionated.
We only knew each other 2 months when we were married. He was already a chiropractor with a practice. He had 2 patients that came in every week and paid $3.00 each. You can do the math! Our future looked great but our present at that time was questionable.
We had a total of 35 children. We birthed 2, adopted 2 and had 31 foster children. Not all at the same time. We never had more than 7 and usually only 6 children at one time. However sometimes we had as many as 6 children under 7 years old. This taught me organization. But somehow that skill didn’t get to Doc. His ability to organize TBM into a teachable technique did not convert to knowing how to put anything away in the proper place. Doc always said he was the only man he knew who had to call home to find out how many kids he had. How many husbands would put up with that? He’s a keeper.
I want to tell you, on a personal level, how TBM came about. We had health challenges within our own family that were serious and needed to be corrected. He would preserver until he had an answer. He had a brain trust with Dr. Hal Havlic and Dr. Chuck Kuntz. They all got together at least weekly for treatments and brainstorming. He went to Jim and Karl Parker Seminars over and over and learned successful philosophies and procedures as well as techniques. He worked with Dr. John Thie, Sr and Jr. and we became wonderful friends. He became a diplomat in AK with Dr. George Goodhart. His practice flourished because of his association with all these wonderful teachers and the lessons they taught, and hepracticed.
One day, Doc came up to me and said, “You know, I have reached every goal I ever set. We have a lovely home, a great family, new cars, money in the bank and a great practice. I really don’t have to stick around anymore. My life is over, but I met all my goals”. Naturally this really concerned me since he was only in his late 40’s. I told him to go to John Thie and talk to him about it. They went to lunch and Doc told him what he told me. John looked at him, shook his head and said “Vic, you dumb @#&^* have you ever thought of setting new goals”? Doc thought about it a second and said “Oh”. Almost immediately Drs. Roger and Thora Grifka suggested that Doc teach a seminar on what he did. At first Doc didn’t realize what they were talking about. He thought everyone did what he did. When they convinced him that he did things that needed to be taught to others, Doc told them that he didn’t know if it was teachable and didn’t want to do seminars because he was too introverted and loved practicing but not sure he wanted to be out front teaching. They talked him into trying it, and guess what, everyone loved it and he had new goals.
We owe so much to the early training and camaraderie with friends that we still have and that are in this room today, either physically or in spirit. I, personally, am so grateful to Karl, the Parker Team, Kathi Maher and the TBM Family for all of the work they did to put this tribute together. I would also like to thank all of you here for your support and friendship. It is such an honor for him to be respected by his peers. I know how much he deserves this honor and thank you for appreciating him also.
We are so blessed to have so much of our family here in person or in spirit. I would like to introduce my Father, Jack Stimson. (Please stand) He is 90 and I am healthy, but I can’t keep up with him. I would also like to introduce our daughter and son-in-law Dr. Sai-ling Michael and Dr. Kevin Michael from Sherman Oaks, CA. Our son, Dr. Randall Frank lives here in Las Vegas. He teaches his own seminars called Natural Healing. We encourage all of you to attend his seminars. Our daughter Lorann Marie is here. She is a Real Estate Agent and a Corporate Manager but still has an aptitude for healing. She brought her grandchild and our great grandchild, Schyler. Our other daughter DeAnne couldn’t be here because of conflicting schedules but is here in spirit. We are so proud of all of them and their passion for what they do and their direction. As much as we love and work for our profession our family is the most important thing in our life. We have 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild with 2 more on the way. If you want to see pictures, I have them.
Doc just turned 75 and said that he has finally reached middle age. He will re-think it at 150. If anyone can, especially with the challenges he has had to overcome, he can. He is incredible and I am so proud of him. He is still setting new goals.
Thank you all and Doc, I love you!