Latest Updates

February 1, 2025

Here is a list of what have been developed just this year so far

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May 4, 2024

Cogitatio Re-Program

Microscopic Robots are in our Air, Food, and everything else.  Being that I do not trust the people who released them to look out for the planets best interest, we must make them work for us instead of working against us.  With this in mind, here is one way to reprogram them to help heal the body.  Cogitatio is Latin for thinking, now these bots are getting smaller and smaller.  We started with Nanobots, and the last one I found was Attobots with time they will get even smaller.

Retrospectively, Cogitatio Parasitus is the first mutation Natural Healing has been from this technology Nanobots as early as 1993 with the first to find was Cogitatio Parasitus.

The Nanites have combined Myelin Encephalitis and the 150+ strains, Cogitatio Bacteria, Cogitatio Virus, Mind Control, and many more. 

We have seen a great increase recently in symptoms arising from Nano dust, believed to be derived from Nanite technology.  Current symptomology includes but not limited to: Sinus, Lung, respiratory, coughing (nonproductive) also digestive typically transverse and descending colon, loss of appetite with constipation or diarrhea. Symptoms may also include redness around the eye soft tissue and symptoms of allergies. We are also seeing the body functions being set to 10-15% of function so that it does not show as malfunctioning.

Test:             Cogitatio Re-Program (on the Chest)

Correction:        Optimize

Date Developed:                                                       11/10/2015

Developed By:

Randall Frank, N.M.D., C.T.N., D.M., D.D.

April 4, 2024

We noticed that the Vials were still using part of the old OS of NHS in the programs, so now they are all updated to run on the EQHT OS. This will allow the full function of the techniques to run and improve the health of the patients.

October 22. 2023

We have been busy the last year with so many updates here is a list of new toys from this year.

July 4, 2022

Covid Vaccine Mix

There are spike proteins, synthetic radioactive isotopes, and various bots as the main irritants in the vaccine causing everything to go nuts. Allergies, blood clotting, attack on reproductive organs, heart problems, fatigue, etc. You get the gist.

These isotopes seem to be acting like a perfume, it reacts one way on the first person the then creates a cloud around them, when someone else enters the cloud, it starts to infect the next person, then they now have a cloud, but it is different than the first person. Now you pass into someone else’s cloud, and it changes your cloud to something else.

Plus, the body is not really getting rid of the radiation, but it passes it on to everyone around them, and starts the side effects to the next person, through the transmissions.

So, when you go to the store how many people are you within 4 meters, now the first person got contaminated and how many did you contaminate? Not to mention the mix of everyone else’s with yours to make all new infections with everyone you come close to.

Now with the update, when someone comes within 4 meters of you it will correct the Vaccine on them and everyone that comes within 4 meters of them and so on without diminishing the correction information, just like the vaccine travels from person to person now so does this technique.

There are some that do not want to be fixed from the side effects of the vaccine for whatever reason, and because we all have freewill, the technique will only fix the sharing part of the Vaccine and leave the side effect to only that person.

We are also seeing that the jab has bots that are controlled by the 5G network when it started. As we started correcting it, they have moved up to 14G+. can anyone say Star Trek? The big differences are that in the movies they are for the better of humanity, and in the real world they are not. One of the plans I have heard is they are working on reducing the world population by 2/3. We are part of the reduction population.


Muscular Disease, Blood Clots, Mental Fog, Mental outside controlled, Loss of spiritual connection,

Test:             Vaccines Covid Mix (On the Chest)

Correction:        Optimize

  • Contents in:
  • Heavy Metals (Real) Lead Disc
  • Heavy Metals (Real) Gold 24 Kt Disc
  • Heavy Metals (Real) Brass Disc
  • Heavy Metals (Real) Silver Disc
  • Heavy Metals (Real) Iron Disc
  • Heavy Metals (Real) Copper Disc
  • Trojan Horse
  • Heavy Metals (Real) Copper Vial
  • Keymaster
  • Counter Black Opp’s
  • GMO Recognition
  • GMO Safe break down
  • Detoxification Homotox
  • Your Vaccines
  • Foreign Particles
  • Graphite +
  • Detoxification Environmental Intolerance
  • Systems Common Integument
  • Pfiesteria Piscicida
  • Cell Wash
  • Cellular Circulation
  • CPC
  • Cogitatio Reprogram
  • Chain Reactions
  • Cascade Reactions
  • EMF Shield
  • Soul Stones
  • Spiritual Shielding
  • Transmission un-healthy Instructions Physical / Energetic / Radionic +
  • Systematic Trauma
  • Systematic Shock
  • Systematic Repair
  • Systematic Rebuild
  • Auto Immune Switch
  • Mental Reset
Date First Developed:                                              08/15/2021
Developed By:
Randall J. Frank, N.M.D, C.T.N., D.M., D.D., Timothy Andrew Patterson D.V.M., C.V.A., V.C.P., P.A.K., Andrea D Hutton-Frank D.C., Mujtaba Zahoor N. D. C.M.H.t. C.N.C., M. D.

December 7, 2021

Sorry it is not in English

October 18, 2021

We now have updated the Covid Vaccine correction to cover 14G+, even though they are only talking about 5G.

September 25, 2021

Covid Vaccine update

Covid Vaccine Correction

There are synthetic Radioactive isotopes in the vaccine causing everything to go nuts. Allergies, blood clotting, attack on reproductive organs, heart, fatigue, etc. You get the gist.

This isotope seems to be acting like a perfume, it reacts one way on the first person the then creates a cloud around them, when someone else enters the cloud, it starts to infect the next person, then they now have a cloud, but it is different than the first person. Now you pass into someone else’s cloud, and it changes your cloud to something else.

Plus, the body is not really getting rid of the radiation, but it passes it on to everyone around them, and starts the side effects, through the transmissions.

Now with the update, when someone comes within 4 meters of you it will correct the Vaccine on them and everyone that comes within 4 meters of them and so on without diminishing the correction information, just like the vaccine travels from person to person now so does this technique.

There are some that do not want to be fixed from the side effects of the vaccine for whatever reason, and because we all have freewill, the technique will only fix the sharing part of the Vaccine and leave the side effect to only that person.

We feel this is now a more complete protocol.

The Flu – Like Biological ___ must be the Wood version, the Glass does not work the same, it is missing parts that are inherent in the wood.

In the last half year or so, Randy needed to program the (real) gold leaf. He will now be programing lead, and Brass as well.

Additionally, they may need to take 1 aspirin per day for 7 days on top of being cleared with the updated covid protocol (Only a few not everyone).

Test:             Heavy Metal (Real) Lead Disc (On the chest label against the chest)

Correction:        Optimize

Test:             Add Heavy Metal (Real) Gold Leaf 24 Kt. Disc (On the top of the Lead label against the chest)

Correction:        Optimize

Test:             Add Flu – Like Biological ____ (On the top of the Gold)

Correction:        Optimize

Test:             Add Heavy Metals (Real) Brass Disc (On the top of the Flu – Like Biological ___)

Correction:        Optimize

Date First Developed:                                              08/15/2021

Developed By:

Randall J. Frank, N.M.D, C.T.N., D.M., D.D., Timothy Andrew Patterson D.V.M., C.V.A., V.C.P., P.A.K., Andrea D Hutton-Frank D.C., Mujtaba Zahoor N. D. C.M.H.t. C.N.C., M. D.

August 08, 2021

Covid Vaccine Correction

There are synthetic Radioactive isotopes in the vaccine causing everything to go nuts. Allergies, blood clotting, attack on reproductive organs, heart, fatigue, etc. You get the gist.

This isotope seems to be acting like a perfume, it reacts one way on the first person the then creates a cloud around them, when someone else enters the cloud, it starts to infect the next person, then they now have a cloud, but it is different than the first person. Now you pass into someone else’s cloud, and it changes your cloud to something else.

Plus, the body is not really getting rid of the radiation, but it passes it on to everyone around them, and starts the side effects, through the transmissions.

We feel this is now a more complete protocol. The Flu – Like Biological ___ must be the Wood version, the Glass does not work the same, it is missing parts that are inherent in the wood.

In the last half year or so, Randy needed to program the (real) gold leaf. He will now be programing lead, as well.

Additionally, they may need to take 1 aspirin per day for 7 days on top of being cleared with the updated covid protocol (Only a few not everyone).

Test:             Heavy Metal Lead Disc (On the chest label against the chest)

Correction:        Optimize

Test:             Add Heavy Metal Gold Leaf 24 Kt. Disc (On the top of the Lead label against the chest)

Correction:        Optimize

Test:             Add Flu – Like Biological ____ (On the top of the Gold)

Correction:        Optimize

Date First Developed:                                              06/22/2021

Developed By:

Randall J. Frank, N.M.D, C.T.N., D.M., D.D., Timothy Andrew Patterson D.V.M., C.V.A., V.C.P., P.A.K., Andrea D Hutton-Frank D.C., Mujtaba Zahoor N. D. C.M.H.t. C.N.C., M. D.

August 06, 2021

Heavy Metals Forms

We have 3 different of products, Wood, Real Vials, and Real Disc. They all have different functions.

The Wood vial is a copy of the energy of the product then added programs to heal, balance the levels back to normal, and protect the utilization programs for the different products.

The Real Vial products has the complete energy of the product, with added programs, they are more for pulling out or into the body to restore balance and heal whatever damage was done.

The Real Disc Products seem to protect and then heal the body.

Aluminum Vial:
Detoxifies, eliminates excess aluminum in the body.

Aluminum Disc:
Works to help the ethereal body protection from foreign communications. Resonates with each person so filters out external influence.

Is also used to control pain, (many plated jewelries have a core of copper) If they have a high level of copper when they drink water they tend to sip not drink so when you give a patient water notice how they drink it.

Copper disc:
Works on Nerves Transmitting and seems to calm down acute symptoms.

Copper Vial
Works on nerve central and peripheral function.

Gold disc:
Works against electromagnetic interference distortion noise.

Lead Vial:

Lead disc:
Protects against radiation poisoning.

April 2,2021

Here is a new sequence I have found for what is going around today.
Test: Reset
Correction: Optimize
Test: Biological _
Correction: Optimize
Test: Add hand on the throat
Correction: Optimize
Test: Add Reproduction Lt.
Correction: Optimize
Test: Add Reproduction Rt.
Correction: Optimize
Test: Add Lt breast
Correction: Optimize
Test: Add Rt breast
Correction: Optimize
Test: Allostatic Finnish
Correction: Optimize

February 11,2021

The Gold disc has been updated to cover 6G, 7G, and the new 8G+, and Sugar Flu is back, if your patients have lost their taste and or smell check sugar flu that is one of the many symptoms.

January 28, 2021

we have updated the Flu-like Biological ___ and the flu like 1992 Flu (Sars) to cover the mutations of Covid and the 5G -6G signals that causing multiple symptom’s with patients. I am still working on the corrections for the several vaccines, we do know that some of the Covid test puts nanobots in the body to allow mind control and control over your health.

If you have patients that have had the Covid test please check Cogitatio Reprogram on your patients to allow the body to take control of the bots.

I may not say much very often but the techniques to heal the body speak for them selves.

March 22, 2020

We are seeing that the newly activated 5G and 6G network is being used to help spread the Coronavirus, and they have added in Cogitatio Bots to help it along.
So we have updated the Flu- like 1992 Flu Vile to cover it, but you still need to run the Gold and EMF Soup, to fix the Radiation being transmitted.

Test: Flu LIke 1992 (on the Chest)
Correction: Optimize
Test: Gold (24 k Gold Leaf)
Correction: Optimize
Test: Radiation EMF Soup
Correction: Optimize
Then check for specific áreas of the body that it may show up, like old injures.

February 18, 2020

Hi Everyone

Here’s the correction for the Coronavirus it’s just a slight modification to the SARS Virus, just to make money. More people have die from Influenzas this year than from the Coronavirus. Just so you know, this vial needed no updating to accommodate the Coronavirus.


The Biological __ can fix it as well.

(Flu Like) 1992 Flu (SARS Virus)

This is the correction for the SARS Virus. The problem we are seeing with SARS is that it has been around for quite a while under several different names.  The Chem-Trails would cause respiratory problems and fill the hospitals in 3 -5 days

Test:             Flu Like 1992 Flu (On the chest)

Correction:        Optimize

Contents in:       1992 Flu (SARS)

1.     Write 1992 flu on a piece of paper.

2.     Have patient suck on the corner of the piece of paper until saturated with saliva of patient. 

3.     Test as an allergy, fix what you find.

4.     Ask the body if this is sufficient.  If not, do allergy sequence as needed.  If yes, add vials listed below as a group:


Lav 2


HtLav 3

HtLav 4

5.     Fix what you find. (Usually left virus)

6.     Add the following vials as a group to the vials already on the body.






Your blood


7.     Fix what you find (usually left virus).

8.     Add the following vials as a group to the vials already on the body:




9.     Fix what you find (usually left virus).

10.   Ask if awareness is needed.  If yes, do awareness. 

11.   Ask if category 4 is needed.  If yes, block.

12.   Remove all vials.  Replace all vials.

13.   Do virus points.   Fix what you find.

14.   Add the following vials as a group to the vials already on the body:


Dpt + mercury

15.   Fix what you find (usually lungs, bronchi, or Broncho-tracheal).

16.   Block with category 4.

(Flu Like) 1992 Flu (Sars Virus) Update

The problem we are seeing with SARS is that it has been around for quite a while under several different names.  The Chem-Trails would cause respiratory problems and fill the hospitals in 3 -5 days

General Correction

Test:                Biological ______ on the chest

Correction:       Optimize

Wait 10-15 Seconds

Test:                Biological ______ on the chest

Correction:       Self

Specific Correction

Test:                Biological __________ and Chlamydia pneumoniae on chest

Correction:       Optimize

Wait 10-15 Seconds

Test:                Biological __________ and Chlamydia pneumoniae on chest

Correction:       Self

Test:                 Cat 4

Correction:       Cat 4

Date First Taught:                                                     9/11/1995

Developed By:

Randall J. Frank, N.M.D, C.T.N., D.M., D.D.

Date First Taught:                                              Updated 5/3/2003

Developed by:

Victor L. Frank, N.M.D., D.C., D.O., D.D., D.I.B.A.K.

November 25, 2019

Cogitatio Water Virus

This is virus the goes after the water systems.

Test:          Cogitatio Water Virus

Correction:            Optimize

Date First Taught:                                                          2019

Developed By:

Randall J. Frank, N.M.D, C.T.N., D.M., D.D., Andrea Hutton-Frank, D.C.

January 01, 2019

Vial Update

We have updated the vial system from glass to wood. The problems with customs, shipments, traveling overseas, and breakage, now they are made of wood so no more breakage, travel problems, and they are working even better.

2 thoughts on “Latest Updates

  1. Hello Dr. Frank, My name is June Cristino, I am a TBM practitioner in Owasso Oklahoma. I also was friends with Lorann. We lived about 2 hours from each other but would visit on occasions. I took a few of her ESM courses and also became an ESM instructor. I was very sorry to hear of her passing, I actually saw her about a month before she passed. She came to Tulsa with Dennis for a farm expo, and stopped by for a visit. so, I have a question for you maybe you can answer. When I would host a seminar for ESM I would contact Lorann and she would send me the necessary books, tools, etc for the course. I’m at a loss now of what to do if I hold another ESM seminar. How do I obtain more books, tools etc? If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. Thank you! June

    1. I would call Denis and see who is overlooking the seminars, I am out of the loop with lori, and have not heard anything that is going on with the seminar company, sorry I can not be more help

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