I believe some time that year, Dr. Victor L. Frank (Dad) got an allergy set from Reckeweg and started using it. After some years, he found he needed more items than what was in the set. So, he used glass bottles that he could find to hold different products.

We found a source for empty vials from Dr. Reckeweg & Co GmbH, and later we found Apex had two types of vials, a wide mouth, and a narrow mouth. The first vial I made was a perfume vial and we put real products in it. Bees were the most painful to collect. The wide mouth was great for putting bees in, but the narrow mouth was good in a pinch.
I was attending Acupuncture school and working as an X-ray tech in Dad’s office, and I found an old suitcase in the basement of the office. I asked Dad about it, and he told me it was a radionic unit, but he did not know whether or not it still worked.
In my Acupuncture school there was a radionics master, so I asked him to check it out for me. He came back a week later wanting to buy Dad’s unit. We turned down his offer to buy it, but asked if he could show me how to use it. Dad did get trained as a master radionic specialist after he graduated from Hollywood Chiropractic School but had forgotten how to use it, since he had not worked with his radionic unit in decades.

This is a picture of the actual unit Dad had in the basement of the office, a Drown Radiotherapy Instrument, circa 1937, developed by Ruth B. Drown.
I color coded the wires to match the corresponding plugs. The red marks are for the output and there is a blue (or black) mark for the input.
For about a month, my teacher from school showed me how to use Dad’s unit, and explained some of the things that could be done, but not limited to, making homeopathic remedies, setting the strength of such remedies. Also, how to set different frequencies for different diseases, both for testing and treating. Additionally, I would question Dad and he would fill in more information. By the time I understood how it worked and why it worked, I started experimenting with settings to make allergy vials. I found that I could increase or decrease the strength of the vial, and found it worked differently depending on the strengths I used on patients. I found that if I set it 100 times the original product it worked on any patient with a minor allergy. That was a great discovery, but the vial would not hold the charge if exposed to the sun, x-ray, etc., like other homeopathic products. So, with time, I figured out a way to lock the vials to hold their respective charge indefinitely and modified the unit to do just that. Then we started putting drops of products or water – depending on what was being made -on index cards (that are charged to 100X stronger than the original product,) then charged the vials 100X from the cards resulting in vials having a charge 10000X stronger than the original product.
This is one of the units I am using now.
Auto-Electronic Radioclast model # 020

Following the lead of Albert Abrams, several American firms made electronic instruments of purported medical use. One such was the Electronic Instrument Co., a firm in Tiffin, Ohio, founded by Lester L. Roby, Sr. The firm’s original Radioclast, introduced in the early 1940s, could produce long, short, and intermediate radio frequencies, and sold for $1000. A tag on this example reads “Auto Electronic Radioclast / Model 20.”
Ref: “‘Radioclast’ the Latest Radio Swindle,” Radio-Craft (Feb. 1944): 275.

Liquid vials are a red flag at some borders. Case in point, my vials were confiscated upon entry to the Dominican Republic. So, I had to find a new medium, ergo a new vial, for charging the information programs. I considered various metals but knew it would be questioned every time one flies or crosses a border, so that was not an option. Stones were considered, but they are very difficult to charge with new information, and therefore, would not do the job properly. I then considered crystals, as they are easy to program but they are easily overwritten, so that would not work.
Then I thought of wood, but wood has its own DNA coded memories that would over time write over whatever charge had been installed. But they will not red flag going through x-ray machines so they pass through custom inspections.
I found a way to work with the frequency of wood, but what type? I decided on a beech and the right size is easily available. Happily, the wood vials work even better than the glass vials, do not break when dropped, are unharmed going through x-ray scanners, and have survived fully functional at full strength after being the latest chew toy.

With almost 30 years of teaching, a lot has changed over the years. The technique outgrew its name from Natural Healing to Evolutionary Quantum Healing Technique, the number of vials and techniques, Dad has gone, but not his concepts, which are scattered throughout EQHT.
EQHT has a solid foundation from Victor Frank, D.C. and even though EQHT has more vials with programs in them, the programs include body points and corrections that my Dad taught.
When you hold an EQHT-produced vial in your hand, you are holding something very special with two generations of experience and development going into each vial to heal the unhealable.