This is what others are saying
Lionel Anglade D. C.
Hi, everyone, just a little testimonial…this weekend I took the basic seminar for the 2nd Time and came back with more understanding on the way to use vials… meat level…
I have this old lady who come to the office for hip pain and knees pain….in general, she is doing much better but Yesterday her adjustment was a game changing…ton Make it short I work thru the whole knee motion and at the end of the session (10min) she was able to stand up and Bend her knees without Any pain and Any help.
She starting to cry and laugh at the same Time… with light on her face!
What Amazing tools IS EQHT and job we do !!!!
I am so grateful to be part of this community and world.
The EQHT session are taking me a little bit longer but I go so much deeper.. and the results are impressive!
Julien Petiot
Just a litte testimony: Just checked a lady that had dislocated her shoulder a while back, she got it back by medical doctor but was still suffering some pain in the area. Running the EQHT vial on the shoulder as well as chiropractic adjustments solved everything in one visit!
Thanks again for this technique! 🤍

Gisela M Fernandes
Hi everyone, Just sharing a positive story and outcome.
My son came to me yesterday really sick…high fever and could barely move.
I ran EQHT, Covid vial, biological —-, Frequency soup, gold disc, next I ran Goldi, universal disease, and counter black ops(😲)
He felt better almost instantly.
After that, his head hurt really bad and I used cranial sacral vial and B.E.S.T and therapy localized.
Head felt much better
Today he woke up almost 100 percent better…he told me it was amazing how quickly this stuff works.
Side note: they’ve been chem trailing us all week, our skies constantly have lines going through them…magically the next day everyone gets sick.

Lionel Anglade, D.C.
A 43-year-old woman presented to my office with a 2 month aphonia, rejuvenation came out on her throat and the general vial on her hiatal hernia. Problem solved in 2 sessions

Lionel Anglade, D.C.
Woman 55y old Cole in office with endométriosis diagnostic, I adjust her chiropracticly particularly the sacrum, use COVID mix vial on ovaries and uterus, rejuvenation on ovaries and uterus as well as chest and thyroid. The next session, I don’t have the TBM point of endometriosis anymore but she comes with hot flash (she Never had) hit flash correction in TBM program, instantanly feeling better!
Will let you know next Time in 3 weeks…

Rudy A Amicay D. C.
Quick testimonial: I had a patient who was having a hard time breathing for months, especially at night in bed. I ran Oxygen Utilization on the heart, lungs, & brain (as the technique states)…had her breathe in and out, ran through the organs again and OPT whatever showed, had her do a forced breath in and out, ran through organs again. Within seconds her breathing got instantly better! She just contacted me today and said she was finally able to have a good nights sleep last night and is still in shock how “those little vials” can do that! Ha!
I like hearing testimonials from the group, so I figured I’d share. Have a great weekend y’all!

Earl Dumm BA Alternative Healthcare Provider
What results have you gotten?
Using the advanced techniques and vials from EQHT, I was very impressed that it raised my practice at least two levels. More and more long term physical and emotional issues, which previously frustrated clients, now soon become memories in the rear-view mirror. What makes EQHT fascinating is that it is very powerful AND safe, while there is no manipulation or supplements required. It simply accelerates the body’s healing power to create astonishing results in a short time. I love how easy it is to use. My clients and I, effusively thank you Dr. Frank, for this masterful training you make available!

Guadalupe Castillo R. N.
Whoever is taking compendium get ready for amazing info! My husband looked like he was starting to have a seizure, I remembered some stuff from when he had a seizure back in 2018 & Randy helped me via the line app. My hubby tested for a couple of techniques from the compendium book and instantly stabilized 🙌🏽🙏🏼 So thankful, Thanks Randy for teaching and sharing this! I hope I can take a refresher sometime soon 🤗

Anita Kloss D.C.
Hi Randy.
The patient that I asked you for help came in today. The EI, 500 g of meat a day patient.
She was having flu symptoms. Searched the vials as we discussed. 1992 flu, caustic mold, waking the tiger, human body ability, ran for a moment, I could watch as her nose returned to a normal skin color. She cried Ed and told me some personal stuff. After that, I was able to continue with EI, Common integument. Her tingling left her legs. She felt good at the end. I scheduled her next week for Wednesday and Friday.
My testimony
I was running to get the meat at a store near the connecting station for 30 min up an escalator 60 steps high, which was out of order. Into the store fast paced with a heavy bag pack. Normally I would have had a blown asthma attack on the escalator. I sat down at the train station and rested. This would put me into a severe asthma attack. It was difficult to regain normal breathing, but no panic set in, and I felt sweaty after the work out. Cannot remember this feeling. Thanks for resetting the respiratory regulatory system. Did stress calming in the train but resorted to one puff of inhaler when I thought I was on the wrong train kicked it over the threshold.
Then I went to a restaurant in town and ate a 300 g steak and ordered a second one 200g. I could not believe it I was hungry for it. I drank 6-liter H2O today.
My god, I slowly start to understand, once the body understands it will be supplied with what it needs it calls for it. The burning in my upper shoulder area where the exhaustion starts is in reality -so I think -a meat regulatory measurement, the more the burning the more your protein, meat level in the body decreased, so fuel up the engine, eat meat and you can continue to function. So, miracles happen with the people how eat and drink as instructed.
My god Andrea and you are a crazy bunch, but I am so glad I met you. It is great to be on the same page. It feels normal to hang around people like you.
Thank you much.
Bruce Fabric, MD (Psychiatry)
The skill that become available thru the EQHT workshops are effective, rapid, predictable and time saving. These approaches support rapid intervention and resolution of physical emotional and mental problems. Natural Healing has transformed and revolutionized my understanding of problems and my care of patients Thank You

Jacqueline Paltis, D.C.
Dear Randy,
I didn’t have the opportunity to talk with you and tell you how much I Enjoyed your seminar. Probably the one thing that motivated me to Finally take it (aside from my already being there) is getting new Students into TBM who have already taken EQHT. Except for the things you’ve shared with TBM; I didn’t know what it was about.
I think you know; I was waiting for you to grow up some. I don’t know whether you’ve changed or whether I just couldn’t see you for the Pipe and the attitude, but you did a great job. This is the first time I have experienced you coming from love and teaching in the conviction that what you are doing is naturally right. Even having your father in Class, you didn’t try to show off, you just did your job. And—I have no Right to be—but I was proud of you.
Now, so far, I have done treatment 1 on Sam. He is due for 2 tonight.
I also have a TBM patient I have been working with for some time. He was Doing well, but a month or so ago took a turn for the worse. And I’m Trying to untangle the skeins.
He’s just been through a shit load of lab testing and a few things showed Up, but not enough to cause the kind and quality of symptomatology he is Displaying.
He is in his mid-40’s, tall, thin, bald and has developed vitiligo on his Hands in the last two years. It was improving dramatically, but he has Now relapsed. He recently split with his wife after being in a loveless Marriage for many years. He has a business with his mother. They seem to do mostly window treatments, design, and installation. He does the thinking for the business and also the installations. So, there’s some chemical exposure involved and he’s always in other people’s homes.
He was sick about 10 years ago with the same vague symptoms, attributed at that time to candidiasis, treated by a chiropractic nutritionist. He was fine for several years, but his problems started again after a molar extraction on the lower right, about 3 years ago.
He is a very anxious person, especially about his health, and has a tendency to suppress his emotions and try to please everyone. As a child, he was abused, verbally and physically (but not sexually) by his father. Now they have a good relationship, he says.
At the moment he is complaining of dizziness under various circumstances, such as low blood sugar, chest pains, shortness of breath and anxiety. I took him off all the many supplements he was taking. For the last few weeks, he has only been taking a combination product to heal the intestinal lining and a lot of lactobacillus. Last week—when his test results came back—I added oil of oregano. And today I added SAMe, because his depression is so bad, he wants drugs.
So yesterday, I did visit 1. Today I did visit 2. After that TBM pineal, thyroid, and thyroid + pineal, heart, circulation + heart, oppositic sugar, rib torque, hiatal hernia, and reticuloendothelial system. Then the TBM module 1 vial came up. Then I blocked him.
Where do I go to from here? How do I navigate. Do you have a map? Or do you just menu EQHT and TBM? And how can we fix my “narcolepsy.” The only reason I didn’t fall asleep during IS seminar is that I was the emcee.

Mike Okouchi, D.C.
“Dr. Frank is an innovator way ahead of his time. His contributions to the healthcare and wellness of humankind are unparalleled. Natural Healing Seminars is a must for any healthcare professional if they want to truly help their patients.”

Jae Reed, D.C.
I just want to tell you 2 quick stories about the Release vial. First, my dad’s dog ate ant poison! My stepmom took the poison away, but had to be somewhere, so just left the dog at home. When she got home the dog was in a deep sleep, so she just left them alone. About 20 hours later, the dog woke up and was OK. Then we found the slightly chewed up Release vial in the dog’s bed! None of us can figure out how she got up on the table and picked that vial, but it worked! Then two months ago, my dad ended up in the hospital. It was bad and he was struggling and suffering. He tested for the release vial and Inner Peace and was gone in just under 48 hours. I miss him terribly, but he never wanted to go to hospice and that vial made it so. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to attending more seminars when I am out of chiropractic school!

Gisela Fernandes
I received Dr. Frank’s basic vials a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been getting up and down results for the last three years, and needed a change in my results. As soon as I starting using them, I got miraculous results with physical issues, but the most astonishing part was that they are working well for my emotional cases. Paralysed will and waking the tiger are amazing tools that are making my work so much easier. I had a client who was always depressed with minimal results. She had a huge shift within one week, and is now dating. Another family who’s child was abusive with anger issues, had such a shift in one week that the parents couldn’t believe it. The young boy went from abusive to his mom, to apologizing for his behavior…thank you for these great vials?

Christina Song L. Ac.
Just a quick share… i had a sprained ankle come in and 15 mins into the treatment… she got range of motion back, swelling was almost nonexistent and was able to walk on it with very minimum pain. I love my new vials 🤩

Guadalupe Castillo R. N.
Whoever is taking compendium get ready for amazing info! My husband looked like he was starting to have a seizure, I remembered some stuff from when he had a seizure back in 2018 & Randy helped me via the line app. My hubby tested for a couple of techniques from the compendium book and instantly stabilized 🙌🏽🙏🏼 So thankful, Thanks Randy for teaching and sharing this! I hope I can take a refresher sometime soon 🤗
Michael Hayes, D.C.
Natural Healing System and TBM
I had the honor of having Dr. Victor & Randy Frank Help me thru TBM / Natural Healing. I am forever grateful for their Knowledge and skill.
Michael H.
Bruce Fabric, M.D. (Psychiatry)
The skill that become available thru the Natural Healing workshops are effective, rapid, predictable and time saving. These approaches support rapid intervention and resolution of physical emotional and mental problems. Natural Healing has transformed and revolutionized my understanding of problems and my care of patients
Thank You
Bruce Fabric, MD (Psychiatry)

Dez Sellars, PhD Alternative Medicine, D.N.Med., D.Th.D., M.F.Phys., Phys.E.Th., Fellow NLPPA.
A personal testimonial
I have been practicing Natural healing System for some 3 years now and each year I have attended the Basic seminar so that I can keep up to date with the ever-changing flux that our bodies are going through and by doing so I keep up to date with the Evolution of the Natural Healing System.
Each seminar I have attended has given me something new, not only in the advancement of the vials but also with new techniques which make my work easier and thus I have faster and more efficient results, I am still in Ore of the natural progression of the system which is constantly evolving, Dr Randall keeps up to date with the cutting edge of Science and the Naturopathic and Holistic way of helping us to evolve as practitioners but also the client.
I have just returned from Las Vegas where I spent a whole week with Dr Randall learning the Advanced methods and ways of working with Clients/Patients, I learned new advanced methods of accessing and using the system which totally blew my mind, I also got to know how he makes his vials and the philosophy and a deeper understanding of why and how NH works.
I learned how to access a person’s holographic template, how to see where a client/patient has blockages or health concerns, I learned how to access and auto correct a myriad of physical and emotional issues, I also learned how to deal with emotional issues in an advanced way which shortcuts the way I work with emotional issues, I have used his Advanced methods in my clinic since returning from Vegas and although I am a very experienced practitioner of Alternative Medicine, I am actually amazed by the results I am now getting.
Personally, I grew on many levels, physically I am more energetic, emotionally I am more in tune, and spiritually I am now connecting at levels which after 21 years in this Alternative field, I have never reached before.
I was also on my own personal quest with no expectations, however Dr. Frank Randall (Randy) took me into the mountains on a trail which led to a spiritual awakening of which I had personally not achieved before, despite many teachers and courses which I had previously attended that only gave me hints of what may be possible, I can say with my hand on my heart this randy is a Spiritual Master of Integrity and Honour who has compassion and understanding on levels which I have only just begun to realize.
Why bother to retake the basic NH Seminar?
Quite simply because, each time I have taken or should I say retaken the seminar, I have learned something new, not only in the new vials, but also in any new methods and information which is being imparted, please remember that what was current information last year or before that, may not be current now, so it is important to keep your skills up to date, and in doing so, you will not only be a credit to your-self but also to your clients/patients.
When I heard of Dr. Randall’s claims of what he has helped people with and the stories he shares, I must say I was a little sceptical to say the least, however over the past 3 years I have grown on so many levels which have helped me as a healer and also my clients have taken a Quantum Leap in their health and well-being, quite simply you owe it to your self and your business to keep up to date and learn from a true master of his art.
Thanks Randy

Dez Sellars, PhD Alternative Medicine, D.N.Med., D.Th.D., M.F.Phys., Phys.E.Th., Fellow NLPPA.
I have suffered with back problems off and on since I was a child, and as I’m getting older things aren’t getting easier.
I have been having ‘La Stone’ Therapy from Dez 3 or 4 times a year for the last 3 years or so, not necessarily when I have a problem, but as he say’s ‘prevention is far better than cure’. In other words instead of waiting until you have a major problem treat your body like an engine and have it serviced regularly to enable it to run fairly trouble free. This simple strategy certainly works for me.
However when I have a particular problem that rears its ugly head such as a trapped Sciatic Nerve in my lower back, I know that I can call him and he can sort out my problem within 45 minutes.
Let me give you an example – I run most days to keep myself fit. On the 29th of December I couldn’t run full stop !!, I was getting symptoms I recognised (sharp shooting pains up the backs of my legs causing agonising pain in my lower back). I knew straight away that I had a trapped nerve, called Dez who got to work on me the following morning even arranging an appointment during his holiday period.
The next day, New Years Eve I was scheduled to take part in Betley’s ‘Golden Mile’ Fun Run. Not only was I able to participate, but I actually won the race outright !
So if you suffer with your back don’t do like I did for so many years put up with it and moan about it to anyone who’ll listen – Do something about it.
It works for me, it can work for you too.
Thanks Dez,
Paul Anthony
Learn how to a truly effective Dr or Healer using a therapeutic system that is at least 20 years ahead of the medical profession.
Learn how to heal conditions that GP’s fail to heal
Learn how to use a results based therapy
Are you tired of trying time after time to fix a problem that just won’t go away? Natural Healing may be just what you’re looking for. Learn what the masters did to correct the problems that have plagued mankind for centuries. ONLY, we’ve made it easier to learn and to correct.
See what other have been raving about with the results their patients have been having. West Nile virus has killed Humans and we have a treatment.
Are you frustrated with techniques that take forever to learn and then you’re still not sure you did it right because you have questionable results? Come learn this dynamic value packed work from the master who developed it.
Natural Healing is a unique and extraordinary therapy that produces extremely fast results, with most patients feeling a significant improvement in their symptoms within the 1st – 2nd office visits.
It is aimed at optimizing your patients’ health in less of your valuable time. Natural Healing techniques are as quick and easy to learn, as they are to perform.
Every person deserves to be healthy! Natural Healing will help accomplish this goal without the use of medication or pain.
Dr. Frank will teach systematically how the body works as a whole unit, not as an individual part or organ. Thus the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual systems are seen as the sum total of a person’s health.
The aim of Natural Healing is to detect and correct the true cause of symptoms, not repeatedly chase re-occurring symptoms.
* Natural Healing technique will enhance and expand any and all techniques that you currently use.
* You need to be aware of all things that are available.
* If the only tool you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.
* Natural Healing Seminars teaches you when and how to use the appropriate tool for the benefit of your patients.
After spending thousands of pounds learning therapies that only get partial results I discovered Natural Healing, if I had discovered it sooner I would have saved thousands of pounds.
Learn how the body really works
why the medical profession fails to heal the cause of conditions, they only treat symptoms
treat and heal almost any condition, from flu, IBS, ME, Neurological Conditions, Asthma, Fears, Phobias, Trauma, in fact I have used Natural Healing since Dec 2005 and it is now my number one therapy for all my patients.
If you are looking to qualify as a truly competent health professional and you want to increase the number of clients and your own income then this is the course for you.#
Remember it is results that count so make the wise decision to learn a system that gets results fast.
I have personally helped people recover from strokes, allergies (NH Forte) low energy, eye conditions, back pain, chronic fatigue, Agoraphobia, fears, Phobias, anxiety, Insomnia, Neurological conditions that Dr’s could not help, Diabetes, FLU, hay fever, ADD, Asthma, High BP, Phlebitis, Skin Rashes, Digestive problems, the list is endless, my clinic has become so busy that I am getting the reputation and referrals that I need to be truly successful.
This is a course that will transform your business fast.
Dr Randall teaches professional therapists this amazing system that will skyrocket your results.
Register your interest now and relax knowing you are going to take your tool kit to the next level.
Dez Sellars

Mike Okouchi, D.C.
“Dr. Frank is an innovator way ahead of his time. His contributions to the healthcare and wellness of humankind are unparalleled. Natural Healing Seminars is a must for any healthcare professional if they want to truly help their patients.” September 30, 2005
Dr. Mike Okouchi, D.C.
Dr. Rea’s clinic in Dallas
I wanted to let Patricia know that I followed thru on Js_Kat’s (message #5) suggestion to contact Dr. Randall Frank for treatment for my severe MCS. I read Kat’s story about her daughter in February 04. I e-mailed her to get more details about the treatment. Thank God, I followed thru and contacted Dr. Frank. I started treatments with him Mid March. I had to travel to Las Vegas for treatment. Little did I expect for him to spend 12 hours a day for as many days as necessary to reduce my reactions so that I could go out in the world and function again. Dr. Randall Frank has created a treatment called “Natural Healing” that has given me back a fairly normal life. I too started out with chronic fatigue, then outdoor allergies, then food allergies and finally chemical sensitivies. It took years for me to realize I was reacting to chemicals. This past winter I had become so sensitive that not only did I avoid cleaning chemicals and any fragrances; I also had to avoid my husband because I was allergic to him and I had to sleep in our motor home because I was reacting to the electromagnetic frequencies in our house. I was ready to go on disability from my teaching job. Even though I had ADA Reasonable accommodations at school (no chemicals were used in my room and students were requested not to wear fragrance to school) my liver, bile duct, and kidney pain was so severe on a daily basis, that I really think my organs were slowly shutting down. Within weeks of seeing Dr. Frank I started to improve. Three months later, I am sooo much better. Though I still sometimes react to some things, the reactions are less frequent and not as severe. I am able to eat a greater variety of foods, I am back in my house, I am not allergic to my husband now, I can go out to shop, and I can gas my car, without major reactions.
>If you are serious about wanting to get better, call Dr. Frank. Phone #1-702-385-2286. He will explain his treatment in detail. He has trained others in this technique but he invented it. I highly recommend starting out with him for quick results and then following that with treatments from a local practitioner from his referral list. THIS PHONE CALL COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE. E-mail Js_Kat or myself if you want more info before making the phone call. My E-mail is
Good luck to you

Gloria Barnes
Dr. Randall Frank near Las Vegas specializes in treating Environmentally Intolerant Patients. I just returned from two days of intense treatment from him. He spends 12 hours a day with his patients to desensitize them to all the chemicals, foods, allergens they have problems with. He works one on one with you and accompanies his patients as they attempt exposure to various sensitivities. I continue to improve each time I see him. I have seen him 5 times since March. I continue to improve with each visit. He usually schedules long distance patients for 5 days of treatment in Las Vegas and then will refer them to local Natural Healing Doctors that can continue the treatment on a more normalized schedule. I am functioning again thanks to him and his “Natural Healing Technique”. I had been ill for the last 4 years and had been getting continually more sensitive as time passed. Traditional Doctors couldn’t help me. For many years I didn’t realize my symptoms were from MCS. I tried many other alternative options. (NAET, NET, Homeopathic Remedies, Radionics, Acupuncture). Some of these methods seem to reduce some of my problems a bit, but my MCS continued to get worse. I was ready to quit my teaching job, since I came home each day in such pain from daily exposures to various chemicals. I had lost 70 lbs from my extreme food sensitivities. I had to live in our motor home for several months this last winter due to my extreme reactions to electromagnetic frequencies. I couldn’t even step into our garage, let alone do my laundry or gas my car. I couldn’t go shopping, due to exposure to perfumes and colognes. I still have some sensitivity to fragrance and cleaning chemicals, but I am sooo much better. I have gained 10 lbs now that I can eat again. I can gas my car and go shopping again. I can enter our garage (though I still use environmentally safe laundry detergent to do my laundry). I am leading a much more normal life now and my pain from exposures in much less in intensity when I do react, and I know it won’t put me in bed for days anymore.
Call Dr. Randall Frank. He will explain how this “natural healing” works and will explain how he can help you.
His phone # is +49 (171) 4767209.
I heard about him on this MCS site. I am so grateful to jskat, who took the time to tell how Dr. Frank helped her daughter. Her letter saved my life. I’m just trying to pass the word along so others can be helped.
It is worth the price of a long-distance phone call to find out more about this treatment. He has given me back my quality of life.
Good luck to you.
Randy, thanks for caring about my friends.

Jae Reed
Just want to tell you 2 quick stories about the Release vial. First, my dad’s dog ate ant poison! My stepmom took the poison away, but had to be somewhere, so just left the dog at home. When she got home the dog was in a deep sleep so she just left the alone. About 20 hours later, the dog woke up and was OK. Then we found the slightly chewed up Release vial in the dog’s bed! None of us can figure out how she got up on the table and picked that vial, but it worked! Then two months ago, my dad ended up in the hospital. It was bad and he was struggling and suffering. He tested for the release vial and Inner Peace, and was gone in just under 48 hours. I miss him terribly, but he never wanted to go to hospice and that vial made it so. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to attending more seminars when I am out of chiropractic school!

Joel Haase
I saw this girl today. She complained of a breast lump and we talked about what you and I talked about last night. 1st vial was Earned Trust followed by Core Reality. Then I ran Core Un-forgive. Then I ran TBM mold and Candida over the lump with a short allergy removal. Breast lump was almost gone on the table and I received a text about 2 hours later that it was completely gone. She and her Mom are extremely happy and totally blown away at how quickly it worked…She has a lot more work to do and I was sure to let her know this. Thanks for the vials…your work changed a life today…
John Taberman-Pichler D.O.
I also had a patient that got really sick when i ran the vials on her…She was very upset with her mother and was cursing and venting her troubles with me. I can’t remember what I ran but she sort of went paralyzed…better word is catatonic on me after I ran the vials…Her arm was up and she couldn’t move…couldn’t respond and then I used a surrogate and I ran release on her. I called out to release whatever emotion or anything that is causing this state…and I watched her for about 5 min with tears coming down her cheeks and it just released and she felt much better. I was calm, and it was fun to see, but it was a little scary…by the time she left, she was happy…
Dear Dr Frank Having just finished your course here in England I just wanted to thank you for coming over and teaching your wonderful approach. I am an Osteopath who has been involved in Applied Kinesiology and many other approaches for almost 20 years and this is the easiest, quickest healing technique I have come across in this time. All I now need to do is your Father’s course in TBM and I think I will have found the perfect combination for my patients and myself.
Many many thanks. John Taberman-Pichler D.O.
Linda Bedassian
Dear Dr. Frank,
I just wanted to thank you for what you have done for my brother. We came to see you because I wanted to see if you could help him. He has been labeled as having ADHD and minor retardation. He sees a brain therapist named Dr. Sterman every week. After you worked on him, the next time that he saw Dr. Sterman, there had been profound changes that had been observed with my brother’s progress. The doctor told my mother about the major leap in improvement in brain waves. MY mother told the doctor that Dr. Frank, through Natural Healing had worked on my brother and that is probably what the major change was due to. So I wanted to write to you and thank you for what you have done for my brother!
Linda Bedassian

Mike Storey, D.C.
Natural Healing, NH, is the most effective, straight forward, cost effective way that I have ever studied and used to help people … period! It is impossible to put into words the extent that this incredibly powerful approach offers those who truly value helping people to get well. What I mean by well is that NH goes far beyond helping a person return to an optimal physiological functioning state for NH affects one’s degree of wellness on a much deeper level involving an emotional well being too. The founder’s of chiropractic talked about the three T’s, toxins (chemical stress), traumas (physical stress) and thoughts (emotional stress) as being the true causes of subluxations, not the other way around. I have seen so many chiropractors who really want to help people believe that by adjusting the subluxations they are resolving the problem when they are just putting a natural Band-Aid on a problem that is much more profound. I know this because I was once one of these doctors. After several years in practice and seeing well over 100,000 patient visits, over 120 post graduate chiropractic seminars involving virtually every “technique” that our amazing profession has to offer, I have never encountered anything as powerful and effective as Natural Healing. I estimate that I have spent more than $150,000 over the years educating myself in these post graduate seminars (and still do) in order to serve people in the best way possible, including studies in other health care areas such as acupuncture, nutrition, homeopathy, but nothing comes close to NH for getting people back on track. From a personal testimony, I would reiterate what I have seen with thousands of people and that is I feel that NH saved my life in April 2004. So many practitioners have asked me how much does the NH seminar cost and my reply is, I don’t care, I’d honestly pay 10 times what Dr. Frank charges because like BJ Palmer said: “You never know how far reaching something you may think, say or do will affect the lives of millions tomorrow”. If my words are enough to get one person to realize just how valuable this seminar is then I am glad that I put in my two cents worth. A simple thank you to Dr. Randy Frank is not enough. I have attended the seminar multiple times and each time I become a better doctor. For those of you who have been making excuses such as time or finances, I strongly urge you to attend because this seminar will prove to be invaluable.
Dr. Mike Storey, D.C. []
Peter Slane, D.C.
I wanted to thank you very much for all the wonderful and compassionate work you put into Natural Healing. I really appreciate the foresight you put into the work and I know what level you are playing at.
I have been doing wonderful things with your technology!
I really do appreciate your contribution to the healing world. It is a reflection of your great mind and awareness. I learned more in one weekend than 3 years of chiropractic school.
Dr. Peter Slane, DC
Cathy Anderson
Dr. Randall Frank, I was very skeptical and reluctant to return to another NH seminar just 4 months later, but I am so-o-o-o… glad I did. If I had waited until next year, I would have missed all of those months of accelerated healing for the people I treat, as well as for my own health problems. Getting the initial protocols of the revised first visit and second visit loaded, tested, and visually confirmed in class is the best-kept secret of attending.
Even without CHAOS: the 2 NEW techniques, the vial consolidations
(64 to 61), and the reorg/corrections of the notebook make this update significant. I gained a much deeper understanding of how to use the Vials/techniques: in the clear; in combinations I had never considered or imagined; and in a protocol for heart problems.
The promise of CHAOS was like a magnet pulling me back to the NH oasis in the desert. I initially thought CHAOS would be redundant and maybe just marketing hype. WRONG! WRONG! NH’s logic is now top-down AND bottom-up ALL AT ONCE!: previously going from specific organ to infinite system, but CHOAS starts at infinity and comes back to specific. At least, that’s how I understand it… And it’s been added in EVERY vial and technique; that’s what I call working overtime.
I saw results in the seminar, and I expect no less upon my return home.
Thanks, again! Cathy Anderson

Carmen Alegria
Hi Dr. Frank, Andrea & Ariana:
Thank you all so much for all your work, help and encouragement. I feel like a million bucks; I am holding my own. It’s weird, I guess I didn’t know how much of a change there had been until I was at the airport – because that’s where I really kicked a** and put myself in gear. I experienced a series of circumstances where I would have run the other way, but didn’t. I was a lot friendlier than I had thought. I managed to keep the blouse as it was, and be comfortable and enjoy as others noticed. It was fun!! I saw a few men stare, and I mean a long stare, heads turning and all, as I walked by. I just chuckled to myself and appreciated what was happening. Some women smiled, others gave me attitude (too bad).
The ultimate was that a large (and I mean large) man sat next to me on the flight, and it did not phase me. I totally forgot about the cleavage – and he was most definitely enjoying the view. I was friendly with him and engaged in conversation even in some humor, but could tell he was a bit nervous and didn’t know what to do with himself (hahaha) I caught him trying to sneak in a video of me. At first the thought of it bother me and made me mad – I started to feel “used” but I immediately snapped back and told myself, this is my power doing this, so I called him on it with a smile. He didn’t know what to say, except that he wanted to “show his friends that he was sitting next to a beautiful lady”. I chuckled and took it lightly – I wasn’t showing anything, but apparently I made an impression!! (You think!) He did show interest, but I shot it down – he wouldn’t know how to handle me (hahaha). I feel really good – great – in control and secure that I can handle myself. It can only get better and better.
Hugs all around Carmen Alegria
Jeff Roberts, D.C.
Hey Randy,
I hope everything is going well. I have had some neat results with Natural Healing.
1. A woman with chronic sinus infections and always in severe pain completely cleared up in only 2 treatments.
2. My wife’s chronically dry hands cleared up with two treatments. She is a dental hygienist and probably had a low grade allergy to the gloves.
3. A lady who was involved in a car wreck in which she watched her daughter die before her eyes had been an emotional and physical wreck for the last year. After two NH treatments, she feels as if she has a new lease on life.
4. A patient with severe wheat allergy has severe joint pains after ingesting anything containing wheat. After one treatment, her allergy is gone.
5. The other day I had two guys from a local machine shop come in for treatment. I had never experienced an allergic reaction before but something that was on them made my nose began to run and my eyes begin to water. This went on for 3 hours until I decided to self-treat. Immediately after self-treatment, I felt better, within 30 minutes my symptoms were completely alleviated.
So this is a pretty neat technique, not only for patients but also for the doctor. Thanks for the great technique and keep up the good work!
Sincerely, Jeff Roberts, DC

Mike J. Storey D.C.
Natural Healing, NH, is the most effective, straight forward, cost effective way that I have ever studied and used to help people … period! It is impossible to put into words the extent that this incredibly powerful approach offers those who truly value helping people to get well. What I mean by well is that NH goes far beyond helping a person return to an optimal physiological functioning state for NH affects one’s degree of wellness on a much deeper level involving an emotional well being too. The founder’s of chiropractic talked about the three T’s, toxins (chemical stress), traumas (physical stress) and thoughts (emotional stress) as being the true causes of subluxations, not the other way around. I have seen so many chiropractors who really want to help people believe that by adjusting the subluxations they are resolving the problem when they are just putting a natural Band-Aid on a problem that is much more profound. I know this because I was once one of these doctors. After several years in practice and seeing well over 100,000 patient visits, over 120 post graduate chiropractic seminars involving virtually every “technique” that our amazing profession has to offer, I have never encountered anything as powerful and effective as Natural Healing. I estimate that I have spent more than $150,000 over the years educating myself in these post graduate seminars (and still do) in order to serve people in the best way possible, including studies in other health care areas such as acupuncture, nutrition, homeopathy, but nothing comes close to NH for getting people back on track. From a personal testimony, I would reiterate what I have seen with thousands of people and that is I feel that NH saved my life in April 2004. So many practitioners have asked me how much does the NH seminar cost and my reply is I don’t care, I’d honestly pay 10 times what Dr. Frank charges because like BJ Palmer said: “You never know how far reaching something you may think, say or do will affect the lives of millions tomorrow”. If my words are enough to get one person to realize just how valuable this seminar is then I am glad that I put in my two cents worth. A simple thank you to Dr. Randy Frank is not enough. I have attended the seminar multiple times and each time I become a better doctor. For those of you who have been making excuses such as time or finances, I strongly urge you to attend because this seminar will prove to be invaluable.
Thank you, Dr. Mike J. Storey DC

Anita Kloss D.C.
Hi Randy
Office testimony
The patient that I asked you for help came in today. The EI, 500 g of meat a day patient.
She was having flu symptoms. Searched the vials as we discussed. 1992 flue, caustic mold, waking the tiger, human body ability, ran for a moment, I could watch as her nose returned to a normal skin color. She cried Ed and told me some personal stuff. After that, I was able to continue with EI, Common integument. Her tingling left her legs. She felt good at the end. I scheduled her next week Wednesday and Friday.
My testimony
I was running to get the meat at a store near by the connecting station for 30 min up an escalator 60 steps high, which was out of order. Into the store fast paced with a heavy bag pack. Normally I would have had a blown asthma attack on the escalator. I sat down at the train-station and rested. This would put me into a severe asthma attack. It was difficult to regain normal breathing, but no panic set in, and I felt sweaty after the work out. Cannot remember this feeling. Thanks for resetting the respiratory regulatory system. Did stress calming in the train, but resorted to one puff of inhaler when I though I was on the wrong train kicked it over the threshold.
Then I went to a restaurant in town and ate a 300 g steak and ordered a second one 200g. I could not believe it I was hungry for it. I drank 6 liter H2O today.
My god, I slowly start to understand, once the body understands it will be supplied with what it needs it calls for it. The burning in my upper shoulder area where the exhaustion starts is in reality -so i think -a meat regulatory measurement, the more the burning the more your protein , meat level in the body decreased, so fuel up the engine , eat meat and you can continue to function. So the miracles happen with the people how eat and drink as instructed.
My god Andrea and you are a crazy bunch, but I am so glad I met you. It is great to be on the same page. It feels normal to hang around people like you.
Thank you much.

Noelle Mercer
Dear Patti and Randall,
I just wanted to thank you both for everything that you have done. The seminar was wonderful, so many special people. I have to tell you that you both gave me the single most profound healing experience of my life. I know that there is more to be done but thank you for opening the door.
I look forward to joining you both in more workshops in the future.
Take care,

Joel E Haase D. C.
The power of Natural Healing
I know someone who had a stroke and she told me she wanted to learn how to write… her name again. I did some Natural Healing Technique on her…specifically the Natural Healing’s Learning vial. I think this is a great improvement in 5 min time…I’ll bet in a month she will have her old handwriting back.

Jim Kimbrough
Hi Randy!
What an incredible seminar Randy! The new vials are phenomenal! Thank you for all the work you do to make them available to us.
Your baby is adorable. I so enjoyed her being around everyone. She is one independent, smart little cookie too. Your wife is lovely. It was so nice to see you so happy.
I Look forward to working with the vials. I will do my best to keep better communication open with you. I have had such remarkable success with the last kit I’ve been working with, I can hardly imagine the power of the new work with the new kit!
I am working on some intense cases. I have several clients with varying stages of cancer. Female hormonal problems, tinnitus, etc. What fun this will be running the new vials!
I also did vials on 2 of my dogs this morning. One had eye surgery and another has a freakin staff infection in her ear. They were responsive and receptive to the vials. I’ll let you know what results I get. There were quite a few people interested in my work with animals at this seminar.
You ROCK Randy! I so admire and appreciate you and your father.
I worked on Vic for a short bit Sunday after class ended, but that patient was sitting up front and he was quite distracted and wanted to get up there and work on her. I hope the vials helped him a bit. He went into Allostatic Finished rather quickly.
Take care and safe travels home!
Jim Kimbrough

Dez Sellars, PhD Alternative Medicine, D.N.Med., D.Th.D., M.F.Phys., Phys.E.Th., Fellow NLPPA.
A personal testimonial
I have been practicing Natural healing System for some 3 years now and each year I have attended the Basic seminar so that I can keep up to date with the ever changing flux that our bodies are going through and by doing so I keep up to date with the Evolution of the Natural Healing System.
Each seminar I have attended has given me something new, not only in the advancement of the vials but also with new techniques which make my work easier and thus I have faster and more efficient results, I am still in Ore of the natural progression of the system which is constantly evolving, Dr Randall keeps up to date with the cutting edge of Science and the Naturopathic and Holistic way of helping us to evolve as practitioners but also the client.
I have just returned from Las Vegas where I spent a whole week with Dr Randall learning the Advanced methods and ways of working with Clients/Patients, I learned new advanced methods of accessing and using the system which totally blew my mind, I also got to know how he makes his vials and the philosophy and a deeper understanding of why and how NH works.
I learned how to access a person’s holographic template, how to see where a client/patient has blockages or health concerns, I learned how to access and auto correct a myriad of physical and emotional issues, I also learned how to deal with emotional issues in an advanced way which shortcuts the way I work with emotional issues, I have used his Advanced methods in my clinic since returning from Vegas and although I am a very experienced practitioner of Alternative Medicine, I am actually amazed by the results I am now getting.
Personally I grew on many levels, physically I am more energetic, emotionally I am more in tune, and spiritually I am now connecting at levels which after 21 years in this Alternative field, I have never reached before.
I was also on my own personal quest with no expectations, however Dr. Frank Randall (Randy) took me into the mountains on a trail which led to a spiritual awakening of which I had personally not achieved before, despite many teachers and courses which I had previously attended that only gave me hints of what may be possible, I can say with my hand on my heart this randy is a Spiritual Master of Integrity and Honor who has compassion and understanding on levels which I have only just begun to realize.
Why bother to retake the basic NH Seminar?
Quite simply because, each time I have taken or should I say retaken the seminar, I have learned something new, not only in the new vials, but also in any new methods and information which is being imparted, please remember that what was current information last year or before that, may not be current now, so it is important to keep your skills up to date, and in doing so, you will not only be a credit to your-self but also to your clients/patients.
When I heard of Dr Randall’s claims of what he has helped people with and the stories he shares, I must say I was a little skeptical to say the least, however over the past 3 years I have grown on so many levels which have helped me as a healer and also my clients have taken a Quantum Leap in their health and well-being, quite simply you owe it to yourself and your business to keep up to date and learn from a true master of his art.
Thanks Randy
Patricia Ebert D. C.
I had to share this with you and the group. While we were together, I had been keeping in touch with my friend in Hamburg. She had been feeling the energy of what was going on when we were work shopping. For the heck of it, I sent her an email asking if she was aware of anything going on yesterday between 3 and 9 pm (12 am and 6 am her time) – the time we were working on the vial and when I was reset. Here is her response (remember, I did not give her any idea of what we were doing at the time):
“Last night between midnight and 2 am I came home from a birthday party of a friend. I was already having an incredible, joyous, energy-exploding day and when I came home after midnight, I was still very energized but all of a sudden I was feeling something going on in my head. On one hand it felt similar to a deeksha blessings but on the other hand if felt also very different, it was more like a tense connection in my head. Actually it felt like a resetting of my neurons with the quantum field around.
When I woke up this morning, I had a terrible headache, my head was almost exploding. But when I did my mediation with Joe Dispenza, actually it is the connection to the “quantum field” or the ALL or whatever it may be called. I felt an immediate release. My headache is gone, I feel resetting and something is still processing. It is kind of emptiness but at the same time it also feels like a richness or abundance. It is difficult to describe but you may understand because you feel it.”
Later on today, I received this email from her (I had not talked to her yet when this was written):
“I am feeling so much ease, peace, joy, grace and effortlessness.
I am feeling so confident, I feel home, I am feeling reset to my core nature!
It is strange, amazing, sacred and weird at the same time! I feel so blessed!”
All this, and it wasn’t even run on her directly, and she is in Germany for goodness sake!!!
What hath thy daughter created?

Dez Sellars, PhD Alternative Medicine, D.N.Med., D.Th.D., M.F.Phys., Phys.E.Th., Fellow NLPPA.
It is the 6th October 2008, the day after the Great North Run and I feel alive and fantastic!
So what………..
It was my first half marathon and I completed it in 2hrs 55 seconds
So what………..
10 months ago I was struggling to get out of bed!.
My name is Lisa Berry and for the past 3 years I have suffered ill health. The transformation was alarming, prior to 2005 I was a vibrant person who was life and soul of the party with a successful career . After 2005 I became a zombie who was constantly struck with viruses, infections and became a shadow of my former self only managing to work part time, and that was a battle.
How did this come about….. I was renovating a house with my husband and fell 10 feet off ladders. I hurt my pelvis and completely smashed my elbow. They rebuilt my elbow but somewhere down the line my body went into I can only describe it as shock and that was the start of my health problems.
I won’t bore you with all of the details but when I first went to see Dez in Dec 2007 it is fair to say I was very weak, lifeless, lost my spark and felt as if my body was giving up. To give you an idea of my situation. here are some of the ailments I was suffering from: Under Active Thyroid which the doctors couldn’t seem to regulate, a dry persistent cough which was similar to whooping cough which I suffered from for 11-12 weeks every winter. This meant I struggled to breathe and the constant coughing made me sick. Doctors had sent me for x-rays and couldn’t find the route problem, Candida (yeast infection), chest infections, allergic dermatitis which had covered 50% of my body. Irritable Bowel which meant holidays weren’t pleasurable as I spent most of them in pain due to the changes in water/food. I lacked concentration, suffered from insomnia and if I wasn’t spending all winter coughing I spent all summer sneezing with chronic Hay Fever! Worst of all was the exhaustion. It wasn’t normal tiredness, this was an overwhelming feeling of fatigue that meant even to pick up the kettle was a struggle.
Every time I went to visit my doctor I felt as if I was a hypochondriac with yet another complaint. My normal doctor was sympathetic but one day my normal doctor wasn’t available and I saw another doctor whose diagnosis was to get on with it and be positive!
I found this ironic as I had just passed qualifications to become an executive business coach and I practiced life coaching! There was not anything I did not know about being positive. Had I not been positive I do not think I would be here writing this. I have always been a very determined person who believes life is for living but no matter how much I believed this my body wasn’t responding.
It was during a deep and meaningful conversation with my mum and dad when my life changed. I had put a brave face on my health issues and it is safe to say nobody knew how ill I really was. My motto was always “Just because I am in pain doesn’t mean I have to be one” but one day I couldn’t hide it any more. I admitted to my husband my parents that I thought I was dying and my body was giving up. Each infection was getting harder to deal with and I felt weak and lifeless!
As a family we have always believed in alternative medicine. I was brought up with herbs and herbal medicine. My parents were completely alarmed by my admission and sought about finding an alternative route for me.
Q Dez! – What an amazing talent and gift this man has. I was right, my body was in a mess. Looking into my eyes confirmed my fears; all of my major organs were distressed. Dez asked how serious I was about getting my health back and I said I was totally committed to this, as the way my body was I had no life!
I am not going to kid anyone reading this and say my journey has all been easy and Dez gave me some magic treatment and I was better. It has at times been hard work. I started with a detox that made me feel worse than I had previously felt and whilst working on my thyroid some strange things happened to my body but I always believed in Dez and my desire to be well. As time went on I could go longer between my treatments. My immune system started to work better and I started to have days when I actually felt well! These days got more and more frequent and the Lisa of old started to re-appear.
The real success was when I went to visit a specialist in April 2008 regarding my thyroid. He could not believe that my thyroid was magically working again and wondered whether I had previously been misdiagnosed. I did not reveal the truth to him but I knew this was no mystery. Dez had treated my thyroid and it was now working, as it should. My thyroxin intake has now reduced from 100g per day to 10!
I have always been used to setting goals in my life and achieving them so what better way of testing my new healthy body with ½ marathon, which is where I began this testimony.
My gratitude to Dez can never be expressed. Running over that finish line was as much a testimony to Dez and his hard work as well as mine. I am in awe of his ability to help people back on track with their health, not small minor health complaints but an array of ailments that, if it were not for people like Dez people would only be existing and not living life to the full!
Dez is the person to call no matter how hopeless your situation may seem. He is the light at the end of the tunnel and the hope that you are looking for when all else seems to have failed!
Dez, I thank you from the bottom of my heart
Lisa Fuehrer
Hello Dr. Frank, I met you the last day at the Karl Parker Seminar in January. I work for Dr. Erich Breitenmoser and his assistant Dawn insisted that I get adjusted by you since she knew I had a lot going on at you could help me. I was a little unsure since I had a completely torn acl and both my meniscus were torn. I was nervous that an adjustment might hurt my knee even more. My knee had been swollen twice the size for at least 4 months dues to my injury and I was just counting down the days ’til I had my knee surgery. Anyway, you gave me a complete adjustment from head to toe. I honestly can say that I never felt so good after an adjustment in all my life. By Monday, following the seminar, my knee was almost completely back to its normal size. The swelling–which I had used the cold laser, ice, elevation, etc. was almost totally gone and I know it was because of the treatment you had given me. I just had surgery to replace my acl and repair my meniscus almost two weeks ago. I am healing very quickly and I feel great. I really just wanted to take a time out and thank you so much for taking the time and offering your services to me at the Karl Parker Seminar. I am so thankful and wish many blessings on you for your extraordinary gifts and talent. I hope to be able to come and see you again. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!

Doug Weeks, M.D.
Randy, I had an absolutely full day from early morning till past 6pm. There are some victories but also several who haven’t noticed a thing. Cindy, the lady with MS said she had the best weekend she’s had in a long time, walking without braces but wobbly. Her husband thinks she may have made some progress. She worked out today twice on her recumbent cross trainer. I treated her again twice since I talked with you using the BOS vial on her chest and then on each foot and then with movement of the legs.
Patsy, the heavy woman who does not seem to tolerate nutrients very well did have some diarrhea after her last treatment but has noticed nothing else. You’ll remember we treated her liver and used EI. I did that again today. I also found the pulmo/ zong — vial on her. I wonder if that’s because she has a yeast problem.
Doug, the has been athlete who attended your conference, went kayaking on Friday, cleaned his garage on Saturday running up and down stairs and played golf with his new clubs (and with Julie) on Sunday. His knee was so stiff and sore that he wanted a prosthetic leg. The knee seems to swell after a certain amount of activity. Tim adjusted the knee with some improvement. I wish that I could find a way to get the fluid out and perhaps heal some of the scar tissue.
In summary, I would like to have more confidence in the techniques. Tomorrow and Thursday are packed as well. I wish I had as much confidence in my helping them as they have in me. Perhaps it is just because I am tired.
The clubs are much better than my old set. Thanks for helping me with that.
Take care, Doug

Jim Kimbrough C.M.T.
My name is Jim Kimbrough. I am a Massage Therapist/Natural Healer in the Southern California Inland Empire area. I wish to share a few of my multitude success stories utilizing Dr. Franks Natural Healing protocols. I attended Dr. Franks recent Seminar (2006) in Buena Park California. What an eye opening experience! I have been using Natural Healing and TBM for several years. I had not taken updated Natural Healing seminars in at least 4 years. The new information I obtained and the incredible new vials are life changing not only for myself, my family and my loved ones, but also for my clients! I stopped at a friend’s house on my way home from the Natural Healing Seminar.
He was in the middle of a full asthma attack and was having extreme difficulty breathing. He had been having Asthma trouble for the previous 6 weeks. He also had a weird cold/allergy that kept his nose constantly dripping. None of my techniques were showing much improvement in these areas. I asked him if I could perform the basic first visit Natural Healing techniques on him In between gasps of air, he said, Sure. I had a rather rough time getting him to hold a muscle strong enough to get a clear test on him. Once established, I performed the basic fist visit on him. Here’s where the fun begins. Within 5 minutes, he was breathing clearly. Yes, I said FIVE MINUTES!!! Another 10 minutes and his dripping nose had completely cleared up. An hour later, the man was so energized and feeling so well that he began doing chores and projects around his home that he had been neglecting for months! Amazing
It has now been several weeks and his asthma symptoms and drippy nose have not returned. I continue to do other Natural Healing treatments on him with other health concerns he has. Incredible improvement in all areas! THIS STUFF WORKS! My line of work my reputation and my 17 years of healing experience have allowed me to treat many of my existing clients using Natural Healing these past few weeks since taking the new updated seminar. Their success has caused my business to explode in growth! They are telling their friends about me, and they tell their friends.
You get the idea. I do not wish to bore anyone with the multitude of stories, but I’d like to share a few more. I have an 80 year old reverend that is quite metaphysical. She was excited to have me perform Natural healing on her. I ran the basic day 1 exam. Followed with day 2 reset protocol. The next day, she phones me and says her vision was double. I was a bit perplexed. I made more corrections on her using the Natural Healing vials. After a couple attempts and only temporary fixes, I phoned Dr. Frank. He gave me a few suggestions on a different approach. They too worked temporarily.
I know the power of Natural healing and what it can do, so after a few days, I started asking my client a few more questions. She finally shares with me that she had had cataract surgery a few years ago. They replaced her own lenses with artificial lenses. One eye is a lens for far sightedness, the other for near sightedness! Her eyes were correcting to the original state with Natural healing! Her brain had yet caught up to the artificial lenses in her eyes. I had recalled a story about college students who performed an experiment where they wore special glasses 24/7 for a few weeks. These glasses caused them to see the world upside down. They had trouble walking, eating, etc. Many became queasy and fell over. Within 2 weeks, their brains had corrected the vision from the glasses and turned the incoming picture information back to right side up! I recounted this story to my client. She was most patient. She decided on her own to wait it out and see what happened in 2 weeks. Nearing the end of the 2-week healing period, her eyes began to slowly track. She awoke last week and her vision was totally restored! She no longer sees the double vision! Vials on the brain stem, protocols in the Natural Healing book regarding eyes, vision etc., were what I used. My point here is to be patient with your clients. If they follow, the rules of drinking that 1-quart of water per 50 pounds of body weight PLUS 2 quarts extra, and if they eat the rare red meat as directed, you will see dramatic improvements in your own work! Persistence pays off!
Cathy Anderson
Dr. Randall Frank, I was very skeptical and reluctant to return to another NH seminar just 4 months later, but I am so-o-o-o glad I did. If I had waited until next year, I would have missed all of those months of accelerated healing for the people I treat, as well as for my own health problems. Getting the initial protocols of the revised 1st visit and 2nd visit loaded, tested, and visually confirmed in class is the best kept secret of attending. Even without CHAOS: the 2 NEW techniques, the vial consolidations (64 to 61), and the reorg/corrections of the notebook make this update significant. I gained a much deeper understanding of how to use the vials/techniques: In the clear; in combinations I had never considered or imagined; and in a protocol for heart problems. The promise of CHAOS was like a magnet pulling me back to the NH oasis in the desert. I initially thought CHAOS would be redundant and maybe just marketing hype. WRONG! WRONG! NH’s logic is now top-down AND bottom-up ALL AT ONCE! Previously going from specific organ to infinite system, but CHAOS starts at infinity and comes back to specific. At least, that’s how I understand it… And it’s been added in EVERY vial and technique; that’s what I call working overtime. I saw results in the seminar, and I expect no less upon my return home. Thanks, again!

Dez Sellars, PhD Alternative Medicine, D.N.Med., D.Th.D., M.F.Phys., Phys.E.Th., Fellow NLPPA.
My client came to me with a trapped sciatic nerve and he walked into my clinic walking very slow a she was in a great deal of pain, I treated him with LaStone hot and cold stone therapy massage, then did bi lateral anterior pelvis technique that Dr Randal taught me. I then used the NATURAL HEALING Vial as well as MUSCLE AND NERVE PAIN Vial on him, below is his own personal testimonial SHOWING HOW natural healing can be combined with other therapies to achieve fantastic results FAST I have suffered with back problems off and on since I was a child, and as I’m getting older things aren’t getting easier.
I have been having Therapy from Dez 3 or 4 times a year for the last 3 years or so, not necessarily when I have a problem, but as he say’s ‘prevention is far better than cure’. In other words instead of waiting until you have a major problem treat your body like an engine and have it serviced regularly to enable it to run fairly trouble free. This simple strategy certainly works for me. However when I have a particular problem that rears its ugly head such as a trapped Sciatic Nerve in my lower back, I know that I can call him and he can sort out my problem within 45 minutes.
Let me give you an example – I run most days to keep myself fit. On the 29th of December I couldn’t run full stop !!, I was getting symptoms I recognized (sharp shooting pains up the backs of my legs causing agonizing pain in my lower back). I knew straight away that I had a trapped nerve, called Dez who got to work on me the following morning even arranging an appointment during his holiday period. The next day, New Years Eve I was scheduled to take part in Betley’s ‘Golden Mile’ Fun Run. Not only was I able to participate, but I actually won the race outright ! So if you suffer with your back don’t do like I did for so many years put up with it and moan about it to anyone who’ll listen – Do something about it. It works for me, it can work for you too. Thanks Dez, PAUL ANTHONY SIGNAL 1 & 2 Radio Presenter 2nd January 2006.
Cathy Anderson
Thank you, Dr. Randall Frank, for Natural Healing. It is a gift to us of your time, knowledge, vision, and love for a sick world. Your seminar was transforming. At times it seemed like a roller coaster ride from skepticism (nobody can fix that!) to belief (can you fix me before I leave?). I experienced personal healing during and for weeks after the seminar. Since my return, my clients have responded with enthusiasm and recovery as they experience NH for themselves. Thank you so much for the hope and efficiency (results NOW, fewer visits, no medicine, no pain) of Natural Healing. Your confidence is contagious.
John Uys
Hi Randy, after leaving your seminar, I met a man in our Hotel lobby, scuffling along like a crab. He fell two months earlier from the roof of his house, damaging two discs in his lower back. His doctor said the only option was to fuse these two vertebrae with an expensive operation. He was in constant pain. After obtaining his permission I stabilized natural healing, BOS and learning on him. To both of our astonishment, all his pain left, and he walked straight with a huge grin on his face, and tears in his eyes. He asked me what kind of doctor I was. I said I’m a Holistic Doctor, and jokingly said I specialize in miracles. He just looked at me, and asked me for my card and where I practice. What amazing fun! I am playing now with as many vials as possible, seeing what other “miracles” this technology is capable of.
Dr. John Uys

Dez Sellars, PhD Alternative Medicine, D.N.Med., D.Th.D., M.F.Phys., Phys.E.Th., Fellow NLPPA.
I have a woman that has lived in fear for 8 years now, her fear is of ex-partner that is a control freak, he has controlled her life and suppressed her so much that in the past ,she has been scared to do anything about it. I gave her the normal 1st and 2nd visit protocols then I gave her the (waking the tiger) as well as natural healing Vial. No suggestions were given to her…. that night she phoned me to tell me that she has just left the police station and reported his abusive behavior and she gave a statement to that fact to the police. my I add also that her nerves were all on edge when she first visited me , she said she felt all shaky inside…. I asked her how she felt for reporting him to the police and she said “fantastic, I feel really good”. I know prior to the treatment she looked nervous and very stressed, after treatment she looked very relaxed and even her face softened. she has awoken the tiger within and now she stands up for herself in situations in her life. Oh and one more thing, she is on red meat and water now and in the last week she has lost 4lbs in weight what made the body can heal the body providing we give it the right help!!! Dez Sellars
Complete Healthcare Consultant UK
John Taberman-Pichler, D.C.
Dear Dr. Frank Having just finished your course here in England I just wanted to thank you for coming over and teaching your wonderful approach. I am an Osteopath who has been involved in Applied Kinesiology and many other approaches for almost 20 years and this is the easiest, quickest healing technique I have come across in this time. All I now need to do is your Father’s course in TBM and I think I will have found the perfect combination for my patients and myself. Many many thanks. John Taberman-Pichler D.O.
Bruce Shin, D.C.
After having taken TBM, I’d have to say my mind was pretty stretched. I had been exposed to a few more techniques utilizing vials. This set from NHS is very powerful and I have witnessed some incredible miracles. Basic adjusting is powerful within itself. Eating properly is powerful within itself. Having a balanced life is even powerful within itself. Utilizing the concepts from NHS in practice has made things even better. I highly recommend anybody who’s looking to increasing their practice quality to take NHS for the pure benefit of helping their patients. This seminar will definitely stretch your brain some more!!

Mike Storey, D.C.
Natural Healing, NH, is the most effective, straight forward, cost effective way that I have ever studied and used to help people period! It is impossible to put into words the extent that this incredibly powerful approach offers those who truly value helping people to get well. What I mean by well is that NH goes far beyond helping a person return to an optimal physiological functioning state for NH affects ones degree of wellness on a much deeper level involving an emotional wellbeing too. The founder of chiropractic talked about the three T’s, toxins (chemical stress), traumas (physical stress) and thoughts (emotional stress) as being the true causes of subluxations, not the other way around. I have seen so many chiropractors who really want to help people believe that by adjusting the subluxations they are resolving the problem when they are just putting a natural Band-Aid on a problem that is much more profound.
I know this because I was once one of these doctors. After several years in practice and seeing well over 100,000 patient visits, over 120 post graduate chiropractic seminars involving virtually every technique that our amazing profession has to offer, I have never encountered anything as powerful and effective as Natural Healing. I estimate that I have spent more than $150,000 over the years educating myself in these post graduate seminars (and still do) in order to serve people in the best way possible, including studies in other health care areas such as acupuncture, nutrition, homeopathy, but nothing comes close to NH for getting people back on track. From a personal testimony, I would reiterate what I have seen with thousands of people and that is I feel that NH saved my life in April 2004. So many practitioners have asked me how much does the NH seminar cost and my reply is, I Do not care, I’d honestly pay 10 times what Dr. Frank charges because like BJ Palmer said: You never know how far reaching something you may think, say or do will affect the lives of millions tomorrow€. If my words are enough to get one person to realize just how valuable this seminar is then I am glad that I put in my two cents worth.
A simple thank you to Dr. Randy Frank is not enough. I have attended the seminar multiple times and each time I become a better doctor. For those of you who have been making excuses such as time or finances, I strongly urge you to attend because this seminar will prove to be invaluable.

Gloria Barnes
I have been both a patient and a student of Dr. Randall Frank. A little more than one year ago, I was a severe E.I. (My body was shutting down and I had become allergic to almost everything.) The resulting pain from these reactions was almost unbearable. Using his Natural Healing Technique, Dr. Frank reduced the severity of my reactions immediately, and over this past year, I have continued to receive treatments and continue to heal. Thanks to this amazing treatment, I now lead a normal life without many reactions. It has helped me so much, that I wanted to learn the technique myself. I have just taken the Natural Healing Seminar. It is a very straight forward technique that can easily be learned in the three day seminar. The changes these vials and techniques can make in a person’s health are truly amazing. I say this, from first-hand experience as both a patient and a practitioner. Thank you Randy, for saving my life. My wish is that others realize the power of Natural Healing; that practitioners will take the Natural Healing Seminar and use its successful healing techniques to heal their patients; that patients needing help will find their way to Natural Healing, and that there will be NH practitioners trained and available in all areas of the world to treat these people in need. Gloria Barnes D.D.
Camel Miller
Dr. Frank, My whole family seems to have posted about my MCS/TILT/EI. Though I have thanked you a million times for giving my life back in the last 3 years, I don’t think it will ever be enough. I also wanted to thank you for letting me train with you. Since I started practicing NH and TBM all the people around me have become healthier and happier, which makes my life better. I enjoy the opportunity to help those around me to take control of their health and get rid of their problems. I do not pretend to fully understand how all this works, IT JUST WORKS. The techniques continually prove themselves. Thanks, Camel

Gilbert Danforth, D.C
Have you ever noticed you tend to attract certain types of patients and maybe the scary ones you do not want to attract? Usually you have had one that you didn’t know what to do with and everything you tried maybe helped a little but not enough to fix them and keep them coming back, so you quit attracting those people. Since working With Dr. Randall Frank, I have begun attracting those impossible patients again and I love it. Even If I get a patient that, I am not sure or confident treating, I can call Dr. Frank and he is more than willing in fact he is ecstatic about helping you help that patient. So even if I get that rare patient that I can’t get going I can always send them to Dr. Frank and he will get them going and to a level that I can continue to care for them and learn along the way. Fear can do bad things. Natural Healing and Randy’s unwavering desire to support you with whatever it takes can and will take away your fears and allow you to be who you were meant to be. Love casts out all fear. Dr. “Gil” Danforth, D.C.

Gilbert Danforth, D.C
The changes are phenomenal and vast. I treat patients of all ages for many different problems some of which took months in the past and I have changed them in days or even hours with Natural Healing. I am so excited my patients are so excited. This week I treated 3 patients with eye problems. one woman couldn’t see color or words on the wall we stabilized the rods, cones, optic chiasm, cleared the eye muscles and all of a sudden she says oh that’s red and that’s blue and that says SUBLUXATION. I have had people’s eye sight change in the past, but they were few and far between and it was gradual over time. We took a drug addict several years ago and made lots of changes to help her but we only got so far and she would still take drugs on the weekend. Two days we ran Learning, BOS body optimizing program and Psychologist in a pouch. It changed her countenance and I received a call from her sister who received a phone call on Saturday (she never gets a calls nor has she been able to call her drug addict sister on the weekends because she always gets on the drugs and you don’t hear from her again till Monday when she wishes she had not done it) She actually feels like getting well. I have so many stories and I have only been using Natural Healing the last two weeks. Patients and conditions are coming out of the woodworks. Tremendous
Nathan Hackl
Dear Dr. Frank I just wanted to thank on behalf of all my clients. To put it simply without Natural Healing my patients would still have their incurable problems. Natural Healing is amazing and I plan to take it again soon.

Jamie Gallant N.D.
I would like to see more info about radionics vials that are used in NH and TBM. How are they made? What is the science behind them? I know these techniques work but I would like to know more about how and why.

Kathy Miller
Dear Dr. Frank,
Thank you so much for helping my family and me. My daughter’s multi-chemical sensitivity/environmental illness were tearing us apart. After spending several months and thousands of dollars trying to return her to health, we found you. You talked big, made huge promises, and delivered. Thanks to you Camille is fully functioning, back working (even in the environment where she originally collapsed) and having no issues with any of the multitude of allergens (perfumes, cleaners, exhaust, smoke, etc.), which were previously so toxic to her. Your techniques cleared all her issues so quickly it astounded me. Again, thank you for sharing your marvelous life’s work with us; it has done so much in helping return my family to health.

J. Brent Miller
Dr. Frank,
I thank you for what you did for my sister; she had Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and environmental illness. Because of this I decided to take your seminar and have been helping friends for a few weeks now. I have astonished some, and being blown off by others, what can I say…other than I appreciate what you have done for my family and me. You are always welcome to work on us!
Brent Miller